Write your career story.

Create strong, comprehensive profiles and showcase your value with complete control. Add every relevant aspect of your profile with flexibility, and provide your prospects with intelligent context.

Comprehensive profiles

Compose your profile — add relevant items to build comprehensive profiles. Link skills and strengths to give your achievements detail and context.

Showcase your achievements and portfolio

Upload all kinds of files and media — display your skills and aptitude with detail and context and use Novel to store your professional documents.

Target your goals through editions

Easily create custom versions of your profile — target specific goals, showcase different versions, and completely control what you display.

Go beyond the resume.

Record videos to showcase your personality — stand out and offer up an engaging picture of who you are, and what makes you special.

Expand your presentation.

Use videos to show your targets who you are, what you can do, and what makes you special. Get tailored advice on how to make videos using Novelist.

App screenshotVideo profile screen

Make targeted videos

Make unique video profiles for each of your goals. Target aspects of your career journey and strengths, and demonstrate your adaptability and depth in various contexts.

Product screenshot

Hit career goals with Journals.

Navigate career goals with precision. Journals turn aspiration into achievement by breaking down your goals into actionable, guided steps.

Plan out your targets

Chart a clear course for success. Lay out your objectives, detail your professional trajectory, and watch your progress unfold in real time.

Set career goals.
Define your aspirations and let Novelist's AI chart pathways to success
Create sharing links.
Generate custom, expiring links to your profile and projects, giving you complete control of what you share.
Set tasks and hit targets
Break down your goals into manageable tasks and track your progress towards each milestone

Track your efforts and hit milestones

Each journal entry is a waypoint in your career path. Log your progress, reflect on your experiences, and adjust your strategies. Get a clear record of where you've been and a detailed plan for where you're headed.

Customer profile user interface

Introducing Novelist

A complete, targeted, AI assisant, Novelist guides you throughout each step of your career journey.

Crafting Your Unique Career Narrative

Make every aspect of your professional story shine. From crafting engaging video profiles to dynamic and vibrant resumes, it's your ally across all career stages – whether you're job-seeking, freelancing, or making strategic moves. Novelist helps define your unique value in a way that resonates and connects.

Write with purpose..

Elevate your writing with Novelist. Infuse your material with clarity, impact, and value. From building and refining your profile to creating targeted cover letters and articles, Novelist helps you craft purposeful and engaging content.

Write your own success story

Start your free trial today.